How can we improve cohesion in Europe by learning from inspiring, regional practices in the fields of education and #TransitionToWork? Read more
Youth unemployment in Europe is rising again, while young people’s smooth transition into a first job is essential for their careers and lives. What can we do to support young people’s #TransitionToWork effectively during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic? Read more
Will youth unemployment rise sharply in Europe due to the coronavirus health crisis? How can the European Union prevent this? Read more
StartNet has been included in the European Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition organised by the European Commission. The Coalition is a European level initiative aimed at sharing good practices and strengthening digital skills for both work and life. Read more
In March, the Mercator Foundation approved funding for the StartNet network for a second three-year project period in Italy and in Europe. The StartNet project - ‘Network for the transition from education to work’ will continue to operate in its Italian and European regional context. Read more
After an initial planning phase, the Or.Co. team based in Consorzio NOVA held meetings in September and October with schools and partner organisations to share ideas and build working models of project activities. Read more