For the last few months the Proactive Training project (Hyperlink to project description) has been up and running in several schools across Apulia. It is an initiative launched by the StartNet network with the lead of the Apulian school-network GET, that aims to promote entrepreneurship education and creativity among young people through a process of career guidance, self-awareness and recognition of personal skills. There are two parts to the project: Simula-Impresa (business simulation), for lower secondary school students and teachers (mainly Year 3) and Impresa in Classe (business in the classroom) for upper secondary school students. In both cases, students get to connect and interact with local businesses in the region in order to simulate or create an entrepreneurial activity together. The best ideas will be submitted to a regional contest in April 2020 and judged by a panel of experts.
The participating schools for 2019-2020 are:
I.C. Don Milani Ungaretti, Bari
I.C. Giovanni Paolo II-De Marinis, Bari
I.I.S.S. Panetti-Pitagora, Bari
S.M.S. Ascanio Grandi, Lecce
I.C. Jannuzzi-Di Donna, Andria (BT)
I.C. Giovanni XXIII, Palagiano (TA)
I.C. Losapio-San Filippo Neri, Gioia del Colle (BA)
I.I.S.S. Antonietta De Pace, Lecce
I.I.S.S. Gigante-Caramia, Locorotondo-Alberobello (BA)
I.I.S.S. Don Tonino Bello, Tricase (LE)
L.S. Leonardo da Vinci, Bisceglie (BT)
I.I.S.S. Marco Polo, Bari