On the 19th January the Building Futures programme for 2020/2021 began with the first online meeting: Navigating education opportunities and life plans. Upper-Secondary School Pathways and profiles, by Rosalba Bonanni, Ministry of Education, Office IV General Directorate for School Regulations.
The different types and fields of secondary schools were outlined, ranging from technical and vocational schools to secondary schools. At the end of January, many families are faced with the deadline for enrolling their children in a secondary school. So also for this reason, the teachers, parents and lower-secondary school students who attended gave very positive feedback on the usefulness and comprehensiveness of the event. The presentation was attended by more than 60 people and is online on the Facebook page. The event inaugurated the third edition of Building Futures and was open to the public.
Launched in 2018, Building Futures is the vertical career guidance project for schools in Apulia and Basilicata created to make the school environment a place where students can work on planning their futures. The project is proposed as an innovative model because it includes teacher training, labour market studies and the construction of a network of teachers specialised in career guidance. This year the programme has been enhanced with two important new additions:
Online workshops for lower and upper secondary school students to develop greater self-awareness and soft skills using a playful and fun approach.
Seminars for parents of secondary school students on career guidance.
The training consists of 4 modules. The first module is intended for teachers, parents and lower-secondary school students. In the coming months the modules for upper-secondary schools will be launched.
Meetings for teachers and parents will be held online.
Course Director: Prof.ssa Rosa Scarcia DS I.I.S.S. "Marco Polo" of Bari - President of GET Network