From the 9th to the 11th October StartNet took part in the Didacta Italy Fair in Florence, the largest fair for education and schools in Italy together with the Goethe-Institut Italien and the partners of the Italian-German collaboration (Hyperlink) on vocational education and training. During the workshops, some of the most innovative vertical career guidance initiatives were presented: the free app AppOrienta, the guide to employment and education and the career guidance course aimed at teachers Building Futures.
During the round table meeting, StartNet discussed with representatives from the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), Confindustria Puglia and the GET School Network on how multistakeholder networks can work together for a better career guidance for young people. Several external participants discussed the role that local schools and businesses play in this process, and teachers especially from Tuscany and Campania livened up the debate with their career guidance experiences at school.
Appreciation for what StartNet has achieved so far was expressed by Fabrizio Proietti, from the Directorate-General for the School System and the Evaluation of the National Education System, and by Rosalba Bonanni, from the Directorate for the National Quality Management System for Maritime Training, both from MIUR. Specifically, they described StartNet as a "pilot project" because much of the work done so far has anticipated the Guidelines for Pathways for Key Skills and Career Guidance (PCTO) adopted by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research in September 2019.
The Round Table discussion concluded with an invitation from the StartNet partners asking MIUR executives to present the PCTO Guidelines in Apulia, which they accepted and which StartNet hopes to implement in the beginning of 2020.