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StartNet tritt der Europäischen Ausbildungsallianz bei

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Seit dem 21.März ist StartNet offiziell Mitglied der EAfA (European Alliance for Apprenticeship). Read more

Premiazione Seconda Edizione Proactive Training

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Anche quest'anno StartNet premia l'imprenditorialità. Read more

Präsentationsveranstaltung “Ein Klasse(n) Unternehmen!”

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Presentazione Online

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Il 6 luglio 2020, Alessandro Rosina ha presentato il policy paper I NEET in Italia. Read more

Evento di presentazione "Un'impresa...di classe!"

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StartNet visiting the European Parliament

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On the 20th of November the Goethe-Institut organised, together with German MEP (Member of European Parliament) Petra Kammerevert, a special event: a breakfast meeting with European Members of Parliament. Read more

StartNet on Tour, from Helsinki to Glasgow

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This autumn, the StartNet team was very active at European conferences. Read more

GO4STEM protagonista a Festival della Scienza e OrientaMenti 2019

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Il percorso GO4STEM, creato dal Goethe-Institut Italien insieme all’associazione di divulgazione scientifica Life e.V. di Berlino, è Read more

StartNet approda al Parlamento Europeo

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Il 20 novembre il Goethe-Institut insieme a Petra Kammerevert, eurodeputata tedesca, hanno organizzato un evento speciale: una colazione con parlamentari europei, un’opportunità unica per incontrare i deputati del Read more

StartNet im Europäischen Parlament

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Pünktlich zum Arbeitsbeginn der neuen Europäischen Kommission veranstaltete das Goethe-Institut zusammen mit der deutschen Europaabgeordneten Petra Kammerevert am 20. Read more
