Since the kick-off of the Skills for Life Project, an initiative co-funded by the European Union and the Goethe-Institut, the project consortium has been busy over the last few months: following the lead of our partner Scoala de Valori (Romania), an online self-assessment questionnaire for youngsters was developed, which just went through a first pre-piloting phase. The questionnaire aims to help young people to learn more about their own strengths and predispositions.
Moreover, Aliseo (Italy, Liguria Region) coordinated the development of six teaching-modules for educators. The modules include many fun and interesting activities for young teenagers to learn more about topics such as the future of the labour market or how to choose a career path, while developing important life design skills at the same time. Both, the on-line self-assessment questionnaire and the teaching-modules will be part of the final Orientation Toolbox for Life Design, which will be tested in its entirety during the upcoming school year.
To coordinate our work, the consortium came together in regular online calls and for two virtual Transnational Project Meetings, elaborating on how to pursue the project implementation in the challenging times of the lasting Covid-19 pandemic. Fingers crossed that next autumn many educators and young people can start benefitting from the tools that we are developing for a better and especially earlier career orientation.